Recording media


Audio CD                                       

You bring your Master - or we do our high quality mastering for you - and we'll do the manufacturing including booklets and inlay cards for you. Small editions of up to 50 CD's are also available.


Other digital formats                 

Please don't hesitate to ask us about an offer on USB sticks, DVD's Blueray discs and so on...         



Not only DJ’s prove that the good old vinyl still has    its place!


The price for manufacturing all of the formats mentioned depends largely on the graphic design. Please don't hesitate to ask for a detailed offer for your project.

Heinz Affolter  Seestrasse 42 CH-6205 Eich

Tel +41 41 460 01 91    Mobile +41 76 440 01 91   


Bankverbindung: Luzerner Kantonalbank, PC 60-41-2, IBAN CH98 0077 8010 0015 1600 9