The rate for an 8h studioday including Heinz Affolter as recording engineer is CHF 950.00
Of course guest engineers are welcome!
The rate for an 8h studioday without engineer is CHF 650.00
We offer an interesting discount if you book a full production including recording, mixing and mastering in the Lakeside Studio!
Important: It is not necessary to use a full studioday. Also bookings by the hour are possible. The studiotime used will be added up and the resulting studiodays calculated.
All weekdays are subject to the same rate (weekends!)
Using the studio from 21.00 till 08.00 are billed with an extra charge of 10%
Also we ask for a general harddisc storage and work CD's fee of CHF 50.00 for each production.
CD Duplication (CD's burnt in the studio)
Single CD up till 10 pcs..
CHF 7.00 each
0-20 pcs.
CHF 6.00 each
20–50 pcs.
CHF 5.00 each
Print on CD plus
CHF 2.00 each
Heinz Affolter Seestrasse 42 CH-6205 Eich
Tel +41 41 460 01 91 Mobile +41 76 440 01 91
Bankverbindung: Luzerner Kantonalbank, PC 60-41-2, IBAN CH98 0077 8010 0015 1600 9